sorenka Tag

To begin with, to all of the 10 participants of this second giveaway, which all of you are my faceup clients, thank you so much for your participation! (≧▽≦)ゞ I really appreciate all of your effort for the entries. Most importantly, it is an honor to be able to paint your beloved dolls. Thank you for your trust towards Sorenka Artwork. For now, here are the entries, not in its original submission order ( ´∀`) Special thanks and credit to Jessica, Nindy, Even Stella, Anindya, Yuliani, Fransiska, Alya, Fera, Ian Sefrian, and Putra. I hope for all of your support for the upcoming year for Sorenka Artwork. [new_royalslider id="7"] Click read more to see who's the lucky one! :D

Once again, I want to say my thanks to sponsors and participants! (≧▽≦)ゞ Just like my dream last year, this year's giveaway become bigger in scale. (´・ω・`) Hopefully I can hold another giveaway last year, with an even bigger scale and with more participants! Thank you so much and keep supporting Sorenka Artwork! So, to cut things short, here’s the awaited moment, the giveaway winners for both raffles! I will contact you directly via e-mail or Facebook to get to the next step, to redeem your prize! Or you may contact me~ :D And so, beforehand, congratulations to all winners! (o≧∇≦)o Yume 02

Can't believe another year has passed. To all of you, my family members, my loyal clients, fans, sponsors, fellow friends in the dolly world, and a lot of other people which I can't mention one by one....THANKS A LOT! Without all of you this giveaway won't be realized. Moreover, Sorenka Artwork will never exist without all of you (´・ω・`) So, to celebrate the 2nd year of running this faceup service, I want to do another giveaway! ♥ This event is open to local (Indonesia) and international participants just like last year (≧▽≦)ゞ But to make a difference, this time there will be TWO GIVEAWAYS. Yes, TWO GIVEAWAYS. Just like Sorenka Artwork's current age. The first giveaway is open for public. Clients, fans, owners, and even SPONSORS. (Yes, sponsors may also join this giveaway~!) But........ the second giveaway ONLY applies for Sorenka Artwork's clients! ^_^ If you have a doll that has ever been painted by me, either recently or quite a long time ago, you may join this giveaway! And yes, you can join the first one too! Who knows that you will win both giveaway? :D ♥ Poster Giveaway 2B